Home All Products made in the USA, With Exceptions.There are other cording and notions available upon request! Contact Us Today! BRAIDED WELT CORD SIZES - 4/32", 5/32", 6/32", 8/32", 10/32", 12/32", 14/32" & 16/32" FOAM WELT CORD SIZES - 4/32", 5/32", 6/32", 8/32" & 10/32"PACKAGED - 6 SPOOLS PER CASE COTTON PIPING CORD SIZES-4/32", 5/32", 6/32", 8/32", 10/32", 12/32", 1/2", 22/32", 1"OFFERED IN 10 LB ROLLS White Frame Edge Variety of sizes and put-ups available Burlap Frame Edge Variety of sizes and put-ups available Black Cambric/ Dust Cover Size: 36"-100 yard, 48"- 100 yard, 60"- 100 yard Monofilament Size: .005 (#13), 006 (#18), .007 (#25), .008 (#33), .009 (#40), .010 (#52)Available in Refills or canisters. Bonded Nylon T-70, BT69 Size: 4 oz, 8 oz, or 1 lb put up